Learning Disabilities

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Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities and ADHD cover a wide range of challenges children face in school and at home, affecting how they learn. These neurological difficulties affect a child’s reading, writing, learning mathematics and social and motor skills. A child with a learning disability may also have problems in focusing, organisation and listening comprehension. These skills are essential for success at school, at the workplace, and coping with life in general.

In India, the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) defines learning disabilities as – “a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, speak, read, spell or do mathematical calculations. The term includes such conditions as perceptual handicaps, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia and developmental aphasia. However, the term does not include children who have learning  problems  which  are primarily the result of visual, hearing or motor handicaps, or mental retardation, emotional disturbance  or  environmental,  cultural  or economic  disadvantages.”

Learning Disabilities

What are learning disabilities?

Learning and attention issues cover a wide range of challenges children face in school and at home, affecting how they learn.

Common myths

Learning disabilities are common – one to 19 per cent of school-going children in India have a learning disability – but are usually misunderstood. As a result, parents tend to be clueless about the correct diagnosis around learning disabilities and create a wrong assessment about the...

Important Terms

The field of learning disability and attention issues is full of acronyms and specialized words. It can sometimes be confusing and overwhelming for parents and educators who are new to this field. This section has tried to provide several terms frequently used across the website and while working with children

Developmental Milestones

Developmental milestones by age one

Developmental milestones or developmental indicators are a set of behavioural or functional skills thresholds that map the course of your child’s development. However, by age one, a child normally attains the following skills in each domain.

Developmental milestones between age five and six

Developmental milestones or developmental indicators are a set of behavioural or functional skills thresholds that map the course of your child’s development. By age six, a child normally attains the following skills in each domain.

Developmental milestones by age nine

Developmental milestones or developmental indicators are a set of behavioural or functional skills thresholds that map the course of your child’s development. However, by age nine, a child normally attains the following skills in each domain.

Types of challenges


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder defined by impairing levels of inattention, disorganization, and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity. ADHD reflects a child’s inborn, neurology-based temperament.


Dyslexia is a learning disorder characterized by problems with accurate or fluent word recognition, poor decoding, and inadequate spelling abilities. It also involves difficulty in reading due to problems with identifying speech sounds.


Dyscalculia is characterized by problems in processing numerical information, learning arithmetic facts, and performing accurate or fluent calculations. Children with dyscalculia have difficulty in understanding mathematical concepts and tasks that involve maths.

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