Developmental milestones by age 1
Developmental milestones or developmental indicators are a set of behavioural or functional skills thresholds that map the course of your child’s development. These behaviours are categorised into five domains – communication and language, physical and motor, social and emotional, adaptive and cognitive. Parents must keep in mind that India has great linguistic diversity, and children may have to be taught the same words in different languages. However, by age one, a child normally attains the following skills in each domain.
Developmental milestones by age 1 – Language Milestones
- Recognises own name
- Says 2-3 words besides “mama” and “papa.”
- Imitates familiar words
- Recognises words as symbols for objects
- Understands simple instructions
- Recognises words as symbols for objects
Do these activities to support your child’s language
- Respond to their babbling, coos and gurgles
- Talk to your child throughout the day
- Read colourful books to them
- Sing songs and nursery rhymes to them
- Teach your child the names of familiar people and everyday items
- Expose your child to new places and situations
- Play simple games like “peek-a-boo” with your child
Developmental milestones by age 1 – Motor Coordination Skills Milestones
Gross Motor Milestones
- Can sit without support
- Starts crawling
- Is able to pull self to a standing position
- Stands unaided
- Starts walking with aid
- Rolls a ball in imitation of adults

Developmental milestones by age 1 – Fine Motor Milestones
- Reaches for toys, grasps, or put objects in the mouth
- Is able to pick things with a pincer grasp (thumb and one finger)
- Is able to pull self to a standing position
- Can transfer objects from one hand to the other
- Drops and picks up a toy
Developmental milestones by age 1 – Social Interaction Skills Milestones
- Has a spontaneous smile
- Has different responses for familiar people and strangers
- Pays attention to own name
- Responds to “no”
- Copies simple actions of others
Developmental milestones by age 1 – Adaptive Skills Milestones
- Eats figure food on their own
- Starts holding a cup
- Drinks from cup or glass with help
- Keeps arms and legs out while being dressed
Developmental milestones by age 1 – Cognitive Skills Milestones
- Follows moving object with eyes
- Recognises differences between familiar people and strangers
- Follows very simple directions
- Imitates gestures and actions
- Puts small objects in and out of a container with the intention