Dyscalculia definition and causes
Dyscalculia definition –
Dyscalculia, a learning disability, is characterized by problems in processing numerical information, learning arithmetic facts, and performing accurate or fluent calculations. Children with dyscalculia have difficulty in understanding mathematical concepts and tasks that involve maths. Sometimes referred to as “math dyslexia” or “number dyslexia”, a very misleading statement. Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability, while dyscalculia is mainly a challenge with math. Children often dislike math or have problems in the subject, or may have limited exposure to the subject, but dyscalculia definition goes beyond having merely a hard time understanding math.

It involves a lot more than making mistakes in concepts like addition or reversing the digits while writing something down. It affects a person at multiple levels, where they do not understand simple mathematical concepts, like how one amount is greater than another or simple subtraction and addition problems. Therefore, learning more abstract concepts like algebra is almost impossible, making school hard for a child. It leads a child to perform below the expectations for his or her age. Dyscalculia also makes carrying out everyday tasks equally harder because cooking, shopping, being on time, and playing with friends all involve some necessary math skills.
Unfortunately, dyscalculia is not as well known or understood as dyslexia. Nevertheless, it is just as commonplace.
Dyscalculia definition and causes – Causes of dyscalculia
The exact causes of dyscalculia are unknown; however, the prevalent theory is that dyscalculia is a neurological disorder. It involves differences in how one’s brain functions in terms of perceiving, processing and responding to math-related issues. Dyscalculia may run in families where genetics may play a part in its occurrence. Dyscalculia most often occurs along with a co-morbidity like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Up to 60 per cent of people who have ADHD also have some form of a learning disabilities, like dyscalculia.