Dyscalculia treatment
Dyscalculia is not something that people grow out of, and there are no medical treatments available. But there are certain recommended dyscalculia treatments that can help children with dyscalculia flourish. The two most necessary ways are – providing classroom accommodations to support children and parental support outside the school environment. Apart from these another recommended dyscalculia treatment is for children with dyscalculia to learn math concepts by working with a special educator regularly.
A special educator uses a multi-sensory approach to teach concepts. The educator will also slow down the learning pace and review the concepts often as they encounter new material. Help outside the classroom lets your child and their educator focus specifically on the difficulties that they are having, taking pressure off moving to new topics too quickly.

Repeated reinforcement and specific practise of straightforward ideas can make understanding easier. Hence, a preliminary dyscalculia treatment plan should be made with inputs from learning specialists and psychologists, which would involve specially designed strategies for teaching, math-based learning games, and practising math skills consistently and more frequently than their peers.