Learning Disabilities and ADHD Interventions and Therapies
Evaluating the nature and extent of learning disabilities and ADHD is a crucial step in managing the affected child. Evaluation is an elaborate process, which requires regular interaction among parents, teachers and experts. (Read about the step-by-step guide to evaluating the affected child here.) The broader aim of an evaluation is to find the difficulty a child is going through to provide necessary learning disabilities or ADHD interventions.
These specialised interventions help children with learning disabilities or ADHD acquire and build deficient skills to cope in school and life. Interventions may address emotional concerns, issues with academics, or motor-skill development. The interventions are designed according to the needs of the child and are, therefore, individualised. For interventions to be most effective and suitable, all the stakeholders – the school, the parents, and the professionals – should be involved in their planning, making it a collaborative process. The three most widely used interventions are psychotherapy, occupational therapy and special education.
Learning Disabilities and ADHD Interventions and Therapies – Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy or talk therapy is a way to use psychological methods to improve an individual’s well-being and mental health. Psychotherapy is an integral part of managing learning disabilities, co-morbidities like ADHD and other difficulties associated with them, like anxiety, panic attacks, fear of school, extreme defiance or shyness, violent behaviour, or other behavioural issues. Psychotherapy focuses on building self-esteem and learning to have faith in oneself. (Read more about the impact of psychotherapy on your child here.)

Learning Disabilities and ADHD Interventions and Therapies – Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy refers to a type of treatment that helps children deal with and adapt to everyday activities where they may face difficulty. Occupational therapy lets children achieve independence in various areas of life by developing fine- and gross-motor skills and motor planning. Occupational therapy is a widely used intervention therapy for managing learning disabilities and co-occurring disorders like ADHD and dyspraxia.
(Read in detail about the benefits and process of occupational therapy here.)
Learning Disabilities and ADHD Interventions and Therapies – Special Education
Children with learning disabilities and attention issues like dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia or ADHD may struggle with schoolwork or academics in general. Special education is the practice of providing individualised instruction to students with disabilities or different learning needs who may not be performing at the grade level and may require additional support. (Read more about disabilities covered under special education, accommodations and modifications provided in detail here.)