CBSE circular regarding CWSN
In this section, you can find all the CBSE circulars regarding CWSN.
- CBSE circular regarding CWSN –Circular No. 45/2008 dated 24.10.2008:CBSE directed all the concerned schools coming under its jurisdiction to comply with Inclusive Education Practices and admit children with disability in their institutions, failing which stringent action may be taken. CBSE has provided relaxation/concession to the children with disabilities, as provided in Annexure 1 of said Circular. CBSE also directed the schools to follow the advisory enclosed as Annexure 2. These are the Guidelines of Inclusive Education of Children with Disabilities, which each school has to be followed.
- CBSE circular regarding CWSN – Circular No. 65/2009 dated 24.12.2009:CBSE again directed all the schools affiliated with it to follow the Guidelines on Inclusive Education of Children with Disabilities, as provided in earlier Circular dated 24.10.2008. This advisory also be disseminated to the parents of the children in school.
- CBSE circular regarding CWSN – Circular No. 25/2012 dated 12.04.2012:This Circular is in continuation of the aforesaid Circulars regarding inclusive practices in CBSE schools by providing relaxation to the children with special needs and following the advisory for inclusive education.Note: The above three circulars have been issued when the PWD Act, 1995 was in force.
- CBSE circular regarding CWSN – Circular dated 24.01.2017: Exemptions, SOP, FormatCircular with revised instruction on Exemptions or concessions, in a consolidated form, extended to Spastic, Visually impaired, Physically Handicapped, Dyslexic, Autistic and candidates with disabilities as defined in RPWD Act, 2016 for class X and XII Examinations along with the advisory to schools for inclusive education of children with disabilities. The Standard Operating Procedure for availing such exemptions and the Format of the application for the students or parents to avail such exemptions have been mentioned.
- CBSE circular regarding CWSN – Circular dated 26.09.2018:Note: This Circular was superseded by a subsequent Circular in the next year.
- CBSE circular regarding CWSN – Circular dated 12.04.2019: Exemptions, SOP, Tabular Summary of Exemptions, FormatThis Circular superseded all earlier Circulars and was made applicable for 2020 examination onwards.Circular on Exemptions or concessions to the students with disabilities as defined in RPWD Act, 2016, applicable to both Class X and XII Examinations along with the Guidelines of Inclusive Education of Children with disabilities and Standard Operating Procedure for availing concessions. The format of the letter of undertaking for using own scribe has been enclosed as Annexure-B of said Circular. The table summary of exemptions for different categories of disabilities for which scribe/reader/writer/adult prompter, computer and relaxation in attendance are permissible, enclosed as Annexure –C. The application format for availing exemptions under RPWD Act, 2016 has been enclosed as Annexure –D.Note: In guidelines/advisory, the point regarding the reservation to persons with disabilities has not been mentioned as provided in the first two circulars.
Circulars on Special Educators:
- Circular dated 25.06.2015: CBSE directed all its affiliated schools to mandatory appoint special educators in all schools to ensure effective inclusion of children with disabilities in schools.
- Circular dated 13.06.2017: This Circular is in continuation of the aforesaid Circular and reiterated the same direction and sought adherence of the rules as mentioned in the earlier Circular.