CISCE Concessions
The Council for Indian School Certificate Exam (CISCE) is a private board of school education in India. The council conducts three examinations – Indian Certificate of Secondary Education for Classes (ICSE) IX & X and the Indian School Certificate (ISC) for XI & XII and the Certificate in Vocational Education (CVE) for Class XII. The CISCE concessions are given after special consideration and after making necessary arrangements for students with special needs.
CISCE concessions – At the time of admission
According to the CISCE affiliation rules, the affiliated schools shall not discriminate against applicants based on a disability. The council has the power to withdraw the school’s affiliation or temporarily suspend it in the case of non-compliance.
CISCE concessions – In school
According to Affiliation Rules, Chapter III, of the CISCE guidelines, it is mandatory to have infrastructure which accommodates students with disabilities in the following ways:
• School building to have ramps or lifts
• Mandatory to have a counsellor and special educator be on the rolls of the school
• Provision for differently-abled students
CISCE concessions – Candidates suffering from Specific Learning Disabilities:
Students with conditions like dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should get concessions/support. Concessions and support depend on the nature and degree of the disability and on a case-to-case basis.
The CISCE concessions /support available are:
• Exemption from the requirement of the study of a second language in cases that warrant such an exemption because of the severe nature of the learning disability of the candidate(s), certified by a competent authority approved by the State/Central Government and acceptable to the council.
• Allowance of additional time as specified below
o 15 mins for one-hour paper
o 30 mins for two-hour paper
o 45 min for three-hour paper
However, in certain cases, this may be extended when the speed of writing is affected or for extensive writing papers, such as English literature or history.
• Use of an/an Amanuensis/Reader/Reader-cum-Writer as specified below:
o The scribe will usually be a student who has not reached the same academic level as the student being examined.
o Question paper may be read out, but not explained in any way to the candidate(s).
o Scribes should be arranged by the Head of the School concerned in consultation with the Convener and the Supervising Examiner for the candidate(s).
• Only Casio fx-82 MS (Scientific Calculator) is to be used for mathematical calculations.
• Typing of answers by the candidate may be permitted.
• Provisions for answering the exam in a hospital