Parents Rights
If a school refuses to provide the support mandated by law, it is parents rights to ask questions and understand. The parents’ may begin by initiating a dialogue with the school to understand the school’s perspective. You can have meetings with the school management and talk to counsellors and special educators in an attempt to make the school recognize your requirements. You can also look for advice from professionals working in the field. You may also try writing consistently to the school through email or approach them in other ways that can be documented.
In case dialogue does not work out, and the school does not change its stance at all, parents rights mandate you t0 write to the CBSE, either on the available helpline number or by writing to the board’s regional office. Complaining to CBSE usually proves most effective because they have many guidelines for supporting children with disabilities. They do not take a long period to respond to such complaints and are quite receptive in matters like these.